B5: Automated Crane Systems
Current Process:
Too much hoisting activities on site with limited cranes resources
Crane hoisting speed varies and dependent on
- Operator's judgement
- Ground guidance
- Environmental conditions
- Limited skilled operators
- Long operation hours and fatigue issues
General Requirements:
To develop a smart autonomous control system for tower crane, to speed up hoisting efficiency and improve the working environment of the operator
The autonomous control system shall be able to directly manipulate existing tower crane system without operator in cabin
To work with HDB’s research partners/team to conduct trials and testbed the current developed autonomous smart crane solution in HDB Centre of Building Research
To further develop the current smart crane system and enhance the system robustness to be deployed for commercial application in actual construction site
HDB Call for Proposals: Enhancing Construction Productivity
Proposal submissions are open from 27 Sep 2022 02:15PM to 1 Mar 2023 11:59PM